Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Duo Toothbrush UV Sanitizer from IonCare

How clean is your toothbrush? Or rather, how dirty is your toothbrush?

A moist toothbrush sitting on a bathroom countertop is a breeding ground for bacteria, especially since a bathroom can be the most unclean room in a typical house. Those standard toothbrush holders where the brush sits upside down are basically the equivalent of your toothbrush yelling ”I’m over here” to all the bacteria floating around.

Even worse, when you use the toilet, micro droplets of whatever was in it can be thrust into the bathroom air, eventually to land on your screaming toothbrush. That’s enough to make me ill just hearing about it…

Dirty toothbrushes & bacteria entering thru the mouth can lead to serious illness, so what to do?

Get a toothbrush sanitizer. They are all basically the same idea: an ultraviolet light sterilizes your toothbrush as it sits in the holder. Also prevents any more bathroom cooties from landing on it between uses. Kinda gives your bathroom that blacklight nightclub kinda look too if you like that sort of thing.

To purchase, click here


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